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Eera event 07 November 2023 - Utrecht, The Netherlands

Workshop: Applications for Industrial Thermal Energy Storage

In December 2022, the White Paper on "Industrial Thermal Energy Storage - Supporting the transition to decarbonise industry", developed within the scope of activities of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA), was launched. As a follow up, and in collaboration with the EERA Joint Programmes Energy Storage (JP ES), Geothermal (JP GE) and Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (JP EEIP) a workshop on Applications for Industrial Thermal Energy Storage is foreseen. The event will be held on 7 November 2023 in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The workshop will include contributions from policymakers, industry and research structured in a series of panel discussions on the following challenges:

  1. Decarbonization of industry by thermal energy storage and the integration of heat pumps in industry.
  2. Existing & needed policy and regulation for the application of industrial thermal energy storage.
  • The potential of exploiting geothermal resources for industrial thermal storage.

Should you be interested in taking part, please save the date. Further information on agenda, speakers and registration link will be provided soon.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Utrecht.

Myriam E. Gil Bardají (KIT) – Coordinator of JP ES,
David Bruhn (TU Delft) – Coordinator of JP GE,
Yvonne van Delft (TNO) – Coordinator of JP EEIP.

Practical information


07 Nov 2023


9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Yvonne van Delft